Han Holding Baby Ben

Oh my god, guys, I’m freaking out. I decided to read Bloodlines (Claudia Gray, Del Ray, LucasFilm) for the sake of my Ben Solo essay–well, if I’m being honest, I’m skimming it for Ben information; politics really don’t interest me–and I found this. It’s a little flashback to a moment:

“Never imagined this,” Han had murmured, sitting up in their bed at night, Ben’s tiny head resting in the crook of his father’s arm. “Having a kid. Even wanting a kid. But now he’s here, and–“

“And you’re a dad.” Leia had leaned closer, unable to resist the chance to tease her husband. “Just think, hotshot. Someday you might even be a granddad.”

Han’s chuckle had warmed her. “Speak for yourself, sweetheart. Me, I ain’t ever getting that old.”

Han holding baby Ben.


H A N  H O L D I N G  B A B Y  B E N.


My heart is bleeding all over the place. BLEEDING. ALL. OVER.


1 thought on “Han Holding Baby Ben”

  1. “I ain’t ever getting that old”
    Nooooooooooooo, it’s as if Han knew. He’ll never be around to see little Reylo’s bubba’s!


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