Flashback R2D2

As I study Luke’s second lesson, I find myself wondering:

Why was R2D2 just hanging out, watching the temple burn? I think he’s watching it; he seems to turn and look at Luke as the man approaches from behind the droid. The quote, “Some people just like to watch the world burn,” comes to mind. (Not sure where that originated, can only think of Alfred’s line in The Dark Knight.) But seriously, did R2D2 know Luke went to confront Ben? Did Ben just ignore R2D2 while he was wreaking havoc, or did the droid hide somewhere and avoid the massacre? Why wasn’t the droid actively searching for his buddy Luke, who I can only assume R2 thought was missing, perhaps presumed dead? Did the droid check the bodies for survivors, like scan the area for vitals or something? It just seems rather bizarre now that I think about it. He’s just sitting there, chillin. I suppose he could have escaped the attack somehow and just sat there watching, not knowing what to do. I guess like Luke’s lightsaber and Vader’s mask, it’s one of those mysteries that we’re so far just supposed to accept.

But hey–did R2 happen to record what happened?? Or at least witness it? Because that would be amazing, right? What if all someone needs to do is ask him? (Am I the only one who wonders if it really was Ben who killed all those students? I have a hard time believing he’d take out his issues with Luke on them… I mean, when he takes out his frustrations, he tends to beat up objects, not kill people. But that could just be because we don’t see him do all that much killing in general, just San Tekka and Han, I think, so I just can’t imagine it, I guess. Don’t want to. Nevertheless, I really think something went down that night that we don’t know yet. Just how closely was Snoke watching him, waiting for an opportunity…?)


What do you think?