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You’re totally right about Ben anticipating Rey’s impulsiveness. I point that out several times in my fics, but it didn’t occur to me when I was thinking about this. Same in regards to her slashing him–it’s just as harsh as throwing her into a tree. I still want to think he pulled his punch there, though. And I also still think Ben rather egged Finn into making the first move. Actually, in the book Ben does engage Finn. He sees the lightsaber and kind of loses it and goes after him. As for Ben looking up, seeing Finn and Rey, and getting angry, that could be because of several different things. lol It’s kind of like Ben had a really bad day, saw those two at the height of it, and decided to more or less take it all out on them, at least imo. I’ve read posts saying he pounds on his bowcaster wound because he’s so close to the light he needs the pain to keep him dark. It could also be that he was using the pain to spike his adrenaline or strengthen his power–there’s a history of dark lords utilizing their pain to feed their power. Honestly, I think in an effort to explain how he eventually lost to an untrained girl, the movie just wanted to remind the audience that he was fighting with a wound that would have killed anybody else. The only mention of the wound during that fight in the book is the bit I quoted in my post. He doesn’t touch it at all. Isn’t it fascinating how the movie and novel differ?