Episode IX

It occurs to me–what if, in IX, Ben and Rey lose everything, and they’re drawn back into each other’s company just so they aren’t alone? What if history repeats itself, only this time, they have each other to fall back on, however reluctantly? Because Lucas himself has said Star Wars is all about the poetry. What if Ben gets kicked out of the First Order, left for dead or something, just like he was more or less kicked out of his family, and what if the Resistance turns on Rey when they find out that she sympathizes with Ben? They give her an ultimatum, but the undying hope inside her (and her love for Ben, though I’m not entirely sure she’s admitted that to herself) won’t allow her to entirely forsake him and see him as the villain they think he is, so they leave her behind–just like her parents did. And maybe via their Force connection, they find each other, and come together on middle ground because they realize they are the only ones who believe in them? They finally communicate, maybe get another kick in the pants from the Force, and decide they have to do something, or the galaxy will destroy itself. Meanwhile, the Resistance and the First Order are still at each other’s throats, locked in a never-ending struggle.

*ponders* I could write that story.  But I’m not going to. No time. 🙁 But in case that is what happens, you heard it here first! I want a cut of the check, LucasFilm! lol


What do you think?