Don’t Open the Door by Allison Brennan

Title: Don’t Open the Door

Author: Allison Brennan

Series: Regan Merritt #2

Loved this installment

Much thanks to Allison Brennan, Harlequin Trade Publishing/MIRA, and Netgalley for allowing me to read a free ARC in exchange for an honest review. Also thanks to Justine Sha for providing the link to the galley.

I’m relieved to say I greatly enjoyed this book! I’ve only read a handful of Brennan’s work, but so far it seems to be hit or miss—there’ll be a good one, then a dry one, then a good one, etc. But I enjoyed the first Regan Merritt and hoped for the best with this one.

I lost interest in the Quinn and Costa series because I wasn’t enamored of the characters, particularly Kate. But I love Regan, find her very sympathetic and relatable. She and I have a lot in common, personality wise. Also, I found her relationship with Grant absolutely fascinating; it was like a reverse stereotype—he was the needy one who wanted emotional connection and romantic gestures, she was the practical one who expected her actions to speak for her. He was the blubbering damsel in distress, she was the strong, no-nonsense, special-set-of-skills hero who kicked ass while he got in the effing way. I appreciate a non-cliche.

My issues with the book:

1. Writers! Please avoid superfluous connections. I.e., don’t name a character Lee if they have no connection to Lee Penitentiary. The naming power is in your hands! Avoid confusion!

2. The FBI lady never apologized to Regan like Charlie promised! I know Regan said it wasn’t necessary, but it would have been soooooooooo satisfying.

3. Overuse of “obfuscation” and “substantive.”

4. Brennan can get long-winded in descriptions, thought processes, and dialogue, probably worse in the latter two than the first. Not horrible, at least not in this novel, but the habit results in some redundancy and slowing of pace.

5. I wish Brennan had specified what kind of drug BioRise had developed that had proven lethal. Details not necessary, beside the point, but holy crap, I’m curious.

That’s it, those are the worst sins of this book, in my eyes. And at least two of them, possibly three, could be fixed by a copyeditor, so it’s possible the final copy doesn’t have these issues.

I would love to ask Brennan why this book wasn’t the first of the series, but regardless, I look forward to Regan’s future. A renovated apartment and a new job in security—the fresh start Regan needs. I wouldn’t object to an adorable but well-trained pet and of course….a love interest. YES PUH-LEASE. (No, really. Please.)


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