Got questions, concerns, review requests? You can use the form below to get a hold of me. I aim to get back to you within two business days.
Attention: I do use an anti-spam plugin that might decide your message is spam. If you write me and don’t hear from me inside two business days, email me at
If you’re trying to get a hold of Elise Cooper and not me, I can pass a message along and let her take it from there.
If you’re an author who wants me to review your book, please be aware that:
1. I do reviews, and my friend Elise does interviews (with the occasional review of her own). While we match books occasionally, in general she does her thing, and I do mine. Requesting a review from me does not mean you will be interviewed, too. As a rule, one does not guarantee the other. Exceptions are made at our discretion.
2. If you didn’t take the time to read my About page before messaging me, please know that my favorite genre is romantic fiction. Don’t ask me to read nonfiction, horror, erotica—unless there’s a legitimate plot and the sex isn’t gratuitous—or anything that doesn’t involve romance in some fashion. Or anything that doesn’t have a happy ending.
3. Lastly, if you’re requesting a review, please do me a favor and paste a short sample in the last field. Anywhere from 500 to 1,000 words should do. Most authors give me the blurb, which is great, but blurbs can sometimes be a little vague, either because they’re poorly written or trying to avoid spoilers. A sample would give me a better idea as to what the writing and story are like.