Cider Brook by Carla Neggers

Title: Cider Brook

Author: Carla Neggers

Series: Swift River Valley #3

boring with unlikable characters

I couldn’t finish the book. It was SO. BORING. Usually when I start a book I’m a can’t-stop-until-it’s-done person. But I worked on this one for a week, unheard of for me. When I still had two hours left (of the audiobook) I decided to give it up, because I still didn’t care about the characters enough to want to know how they turn out. I didn’t like Samantha, much less feel a connection to her, and I thought Justin was a smug, self-righteous son of a b*tch, and I didn’t connect to him either. They did nothing but like to each other. I felt no heat between the two, their attraction felt forced or obligatory. Also as part of a series, many of the characters–like 90%–had been introduced in other books, and I began to feel like their stories were smacking me in the face, screaming “Read me, read me, read me!” Neggers had so little for Samantha and Justin to do that a chunk of the book took place in Loretta’s POV, and I’m not sure why, but she rubbed me wrong, too. Couldn’t stand to listen to her. This book seemed like a device used to continued the stories of previous characters.

So overall if you like reading pointless chatter disguised as character development in a slow pace with almost no plot, this book is perfect for you.


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