Hard to Fall by Marquita Valentine

Title: Hard to Fall Author: Marquita Valentine Series: Take the Fall #4 Makes no sense Thank you to Marquita Valentine, Loveswept, and Penguin Random House for allowing me to read this novel in exchange for an honest review. Very honest. Everyone has individual reading tastes. This one was definitely not to mine. In fact, I hated it. None of it made any sense. Iā€™m going to give a few positives before I completely shit all over it. One, the cover …

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Built by Jay Crownover

Title: Built Author: Jay Crownover Series: Saints of Denver #1 Three-dimentional, complex but relatable heroine; smart, sexy, mature hero; and a seriously cute kid šŸ™‚ I discovered Jay Crownover last summer and listened to all her books on audiobook in quick succession. I loved them, I thought they were absolutely sensational, and I was sooo excited for Zeb and Sayer’s story! But Built is the first of her books I’ve read in print form, and never before did I realize …

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