Buck Naked Ben

The door flew open and [two-year-old] Ben Solo, buck naked, hurtled in with a scream. “Unca Wanwo!”

“There’s my little buddy!” Lando said, scooping the boy up in his arms and turning him upside down to giggles and shrieks.

“Oh dear,” LC muttered, whirring along in Ben’s wake. “Terribly sorry, sirs, I was giving him a bath and he could barely contain himself when he heard that General Calrissian was here.” The droid reached out and plucked Ben out of Lando’s arms.

“That’s all right,” Lando said with a chuckle. “Always happy to see the young Mr. Ben.”

Han watched as his son squirmed in the droid’s metallic arms, reaching out for Lando and bursting into tears as LC whisked him out of the room. [end chapter]

You’re welcome. 🙂 There’s a good example of his childhood, though. Leia already left to attend a meeting, and Han and Lando were about to go off to do their own thing. The droid was taking care of Ben.

(© Last Shot by Daniel José Older, Del Ray.)


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