A Christmas Affair by Jodi Thomas

Title: A Christmas Affair

Author: Jodi Thomas

Series: Ransom Canyon #6.5

Rushed but well-meaning

This was cute, if you don’t mind some cheese and purple prose. It’s so strange; I don’t remember associating Thomas with such fanciful dialogue before this year. Maybe my taste or perception has changed recently. I just couldn’t imagine real people saying some of those lines, and that sense of absurdity distances me from the story. Which might sound like an ironic paradox considering it’s fiction, but anyway.

It was nice to visit Crossroads again and get something of an epilogue for Dakota and Blade, but everything happened too fast for me. It felt like I was watching a movie on fast forward. I think Wes and Maria were two cases of still waters run deep, and they as characters had potential for great emotional depth that just wasn’t utilized. If the Travis Fuller plot hadn’t been included, perhaps Wes and Maria would have had enough time to feel like more than passing acquaintances to me. And I liked Travis, for all that he was wedged in there like a doorstop.


What do you think?